People of Lancaster

November 4-5, 2022

Light Up Lancaster, Lancaster, UK

People of Lancaster, an author-driven interactive projection, was created for the festival Light Up Lancaster in Northern England. A local terraced house in Dalton Square is brought to life through a large-scale interactive projection. 27 extraordinary stories are hidden behind each of the building’s shutters, waiting for the viewer to activate them by pressing windows on a control panel in the shape of a model house.

This colourful collage of mini-stories playfully recall famous Lancaster natives and those who have permanently made their mark on the history of this city. The goal was to intrigue and engage audiences of different generations and to make a site specific installation representing this ancient city.

Concept, dramaturgy and animation: Josef Lepša

Sound design: Jiří Rouš

Sculpture: Ondřej Němec, Jiří Rouš

Project lead: Marek Volf

Curating: Julie Brown, George Harris

Accounting, production: Anika Homolová

Photo and video: Marek Volf

Special thanks: Light up Lancaster festival team (Julie Brown, George Harris, Simon Fletcher, Steve Wade and co.)

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